I love meeting kids at library and school visits, and I have programs designed for preschool through grade 5. I also speak on literacy with read-aloud tips and resources to parents, early childhood providers and educators.
I also am happy to visit with classrooms around the country in person or virtually. I offer free 20-minute informal Skype or Zoom visits. I also can offer full online presentations adapted to your needs with adjustable pricing.
Here’s more information about my school and library visits. I’m happy to tailor a presentation based on your school, library, or preschool’s needs, online or in person
Have fun with Pug and Pig as we learn the power of just one word in a picture book. We also discover how the physical characteristics of a picture book give clues to a story. Where does a book come from? We see how the Pug and Pig books went from ideas to a published book. This presentation includes lots of opportunity for interaction and ideas.
Who doesn’t love dogs in costumes? This spook-tacular presentation for the fall semester uses my Halloween book, PUG & PIG TRICK-OR-TREAT, as our example to talk books and writing. I show-and-tell the story behind the story, from idea to published book. We also look at how the bones, or physical form, of a picture book can give clues to the story itself. We guess and learn bone facts about some favorite animals, too. This interactive presentation can be tailored for grades K-2 or 3-5. The presentation for 3-5 focuses on writing, using PUG & PIG TRICK-OR-TREAT as our mentor text.
What does an author have in common with every student? We are all writers! This presentation focuses on writing and revision. Using my books, we focus on beginnings and endings, word choice, pacing, and how editing improves writing. I also share examples of how a manuscript goes from idea to published picture book. This presentation also may be done as a small group workshop.
The physical geography of our earth is incredible, from rivers, lakes, and oceans deep, to valleys, hills, and mountains steep. Using OUR WORLD, a globe-shaped large format board book with rhyming text, rich illustrations, and lively nonfiction secondary text, children are invited to experience geography in a new way. Learn about habitats and the animals that inhabit them, plus explore globes and maps. From the global to the local scale, let’s learn more about our planet, and engage with the world around us. Interactive workshop includes activities and can include crafts.
Curriculum guides and activity pages for teachers, students, and families are available free on my website, suegallion.com. If you would like to offer book orders, it can be handled by your school or a local bookstore, or I can provide book order forms and work with a Kansas City independent bookstore. I will personalize or sign books the day of the visit. Posters and stickers also available.
Contact me at suegallion@gmail.com, or use the form below. Connect on Twitter: @SueLGallion